我猜想比我年長5歲左右到與我同年紀的人大約會是最初受到野人花園震撼的一群人,比我更小大概太年輕了點,要到後期才接觸到。說真的,第一張專輯裡面,我最愛的不是這首歌,應該是SANTA MONICA才對,但是這首歌卻讓我魂牽夢繫了很多年,精準的說應該是這部MV吧!記得那個時候讀國中,適逢野人第一張專輯,也大概就是十年前出的,真的久喔!那個時候應該是華視,每個禮拜六下午都會有一個余光主持的音樂節目叫做「周末搖滾」,當時開始接觸西洋音樂主要就是從這裡開始,看著每個禮拜新出的音樂MV還有各項訊息,雖然當時覺得余光說話很悶,但是每一段出現的音樂都能帶給我很大的享受。
tears of pearls 的MV沒有故事性,就是單純剪輯一段現場演唱的部分配上一些花絮,真的是說不上精美。但是年紀輕輕的我,看到 Darren 的美形不打緊,在第一段進入副歌(差不多是mv進行到一分鐘左右的時候),出現了一個bridge,minor直升major轉得很順暢,簡直有如天使飛起來,升上另一層level一樣,同時 Darren 穿著和庫拉皮卡很類似的長下擺衣服轉起圈圈....整個人,就是一個帥氣到極點。
但是這首歌確實是沒有其他首歌來的有賣點,故事性沒有 to the moon and back 強,要講深情 truly , madly , deeply 絕對大勝,SANTA MONICA也是許多人心目中的NO 1,在加上這首個有點TECHNO過了頭,所以相較之下就沒這麼討好了。

Tears of Pearls

And we stare each other down
like victims in the grind
Probing all the weakness
and hurt still left behind and we cry
the tears of pearls
We do it.
Oh we do it.

Is love really the tragedy the way you might describe?
Or would a thousand lovers stil leave you cold inside?
Make you cry...
These tears of pearls

All these mixed emotions
we keep locked away like stolen pearls
Stolen pearl devotions me
keep locked away from all the world

Your kisses are like pearls,
so different and so rare
But anger stole the jewels away
and love has left you bare
Make you cry...
These tears of pearls

Well I could be a tired joker
pour my heart to get you in
Sacrifice my happiness
just so I could win
Make you cry...
These tears of pearls

All these mixed emotions
we keep locked away like stolen pearls
Stolen pearl devotions
we keep locked away from all the world

We twist and turn where angels burn
Like fallen soldiers we will learn
That once forgotten, twice removed
Love will be the death...
The death of you

All these mixed emotions
we keep locked away like stolen pearls
Stolen pearl devotions we keep locked away from all the world

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